New cancer 'wonder' drugs trigger cancer spread to bones

(Reprint-NaturalNews) Most cancer drugs are used to hopefully kill tumors and keep malignancies from spreading. Unfortunately, new research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis raises serious concerns that Big Pharma's highly touted class of cancer drugs known as IAP antagonists actually increases the risk of tumors spreading to bone. "These investigational


BREAKING NEWS!! The Wells Fargo Foundation has Approved the AJCF for it's first official grant in the amount of $500.00. We are excited about our new stakeholders at Wells Fargo. This is just the beginning of a great relationship and future for the organization. Thanks Wells Fargo for believing in our cause.

Checkout our 1st Grantee in HD

We are thrilled to share with all of our friends and supporters our latest video featuring Cristal Rivera Mitchel, the AJCF's first grant recipient and Dr. Mary Hardy, Executive Medical Director of the Simms/Mann UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. If you like this video, please share the link with all of your friends and family.

1st Round of Chemo has Begun

(Picture L to R - Mrs. Alma J. Cameron (mom), Elmer Jones (lil counsin) and Mrs V. Jones (aunt/mom's sister))  Monday, my Aunt --non smoker-- had her 1st round of Chemo for Stage IIIA Lung Cancer. She is taking a new mix of drugs that have minimum side effects (Carboplatin & Alimta combo). The treatment went well