Agnes H. is 69 years of age and was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer Jan 2009. She like my mother was a non-smoker. Her husband died unexpectedly 2 months ago which has cut her income in half. She has asked for our assistance with the initial consult. She is willing to pay a $50 co-pay and will need assistance with supplements.
We at the AJCF are pleased to share that as of yesterday (11/17/2010), we are supporting Agnes integrative medicine treatments at the Simms/Mann UCLA Center of Integrative Oncology. However, we cannot do this along. We need your assistance to continue to support cancer patients like Agnes and Cristal seeking integrative treatments to complement their conventional cancer care. PLEASE DONATE TODAY!
The AJCF is proudly bridging the gap between conventional and integrative medicine treatments, one person at a time. Thank you for your support.
Regina Cameron, Exec. Dir.